понедельник, 7 января 2008 г.

RUP Project Process

I would like to represent adapted to needs of my previous company Ration Unified Process (RUP). For task management system we used Atlassian JIRA, so don’t be surprised seeing phrase “JIRA tickets” it is simple task from task management system.

I think that this vision on RUP will help not only us, but you also. Good luck and have interesting reading.


In order to make sure that all work done is focused and inline with strategy (and equally, to ensure that no work is done which is NOT in line with strategy), anyone wishing to start a project must complete a Project Proposal, and get it approved by IDs.

The signature of the project proposal (also knows as RFA - Request for Approval) will start the Inception phase of a project. This must be completed as far as possible, and submitted to the Internal Directors via line management. The process is explained in this process overview

After the New Project Proposal has been approved by IDs, work will then be kicked off by R&D inline with the projects assigned priority and the available resources.

Phase 1 - Inception Phase

The objective of the Inception Phase is to understand the project scope and goals, and to get enough information to confirm that the project should or should not proceed.

This is achieved by focusing on the objectives, deliverables, and completion milestones outlined in the table below.

All Artefacts / Deliverables will be completed before moving to the Elaboration phase, and to ensure this, all Artefacts / Deliverables will have a JIRA ticket opened and assigned by the Project Manager at the start of the phase. The phase will not be completed (and hence the next phase will not be started) until all artefacts are completed.


[1] Understand the scope, vision, boundaries and limitations of the system

[2] Identify critical key functionality and performance requirements

[3] Determine at least one possible solution

[4] Understand the costs and schedule (economic justification)

[5] Understand and mitigate the initial project (business) risk

Artefacts / Deliverables (owner)

[1] High level Functional Specification or Functional Requirements Document (FRD) including scope, vision and boundaries, performance requirements and in-depth description of (core) key use cases (System Analyst)

[2] Draft Mockups / Wire Frames (Usability Designer)

[3] Technical Analysis Document (TAD) including prototype (optional) that identifies at least one possible solution / architecture (Dev Lead / Architect)

[4] Initial Test Plan (draft TP) describing scope, risks, resources, timelines and estimates related to test - including plan on parallel development / test (Test Lead)

[5] Infra Analysis Document (IAD) describing impact of solution on infrastructure and network (Infrastructure Lead)

[6] High level Plan of Approach with initial draft schedule, estimated costs and risks including detailed schedule for next (Elaboration) phase (Project Manager)

Completion Milestones

[1] Selection of one architectural solution and agreement by TECH stakeholders (DBA, Systems) on supportability of this solution

[2] Concurrence by stakeholders on vision, scope and priorities and the initial schedule, costs and risks associated with this

[3] Go / no-go decision by project business owner

Phase 2 - Elaboration Phase

The goal of the Elaboration Phase is to define and baseline a sound architectural foundation of the system in order to provide a stable basis for the bulk of the design and implementation efforts in the Construction phase.

This is achieved by focusing on the objectives, deliverables, and completion milestones outlined in the table below.

All Artefacts / Deliverables will be completed before moving to the Elaboration phase.

All Artefacts / Deliverables will have a JIRA ticket opened and assigned by the Project Manager at the start of the phase to ensure this - the phase will not be completed (and hence the next phase will not be started) until all artefacts are completed.


[1] Finalize and get a more detailed understanding of the requirements to come to better estimates

[2] Design, validate and baseline the architecture (critical design decisions like what technologies to use that result in "executable architecture", perform initial load and performance tests)

[3] Mitigate technical risks, and produce more accurate schedule and costs estimates

Artefacts / Deliverables (owner)

[1] Final version FRD (System Analyst)

[2] Final version of Functional Mockups (Usability Designer)

[3] Executable "core" architecture (based on selected solution in Inception Phase), including draft Tech Spec (Dev Lead / Architect)

[4] Verify "proof-of-concept" of core architecture (resulting in Initial Test Report) (Test Lead)

Agreement by all stakeholders that the current defined vision can be met if the current plan is executed to develop the complete system in the context of the current architecture

[5] Final version TP and test preparation deliverables test cases, automation test scripts (Test Lead)

[6] Systems Specification describing physical architecture / hardware configuration (Infrastructure Lead)

[7] Updated Plan of Approach with more accurate schedule and costs including detailed schedule for next (Construction) phase. Updated Risk Register (Project Manager)

Completion Milestones

[1] Stable requirements and architecture / solution

[2] Proof that evaluation of executable prototypes addresses and solved the major risk elements

[3] Agreement on plan of Construction phase and updated overall Project Plan with (possible revised) costs and timelines and justification of the actual resource expenditures versus planned expenditures are acceptable

Phase 3 - Construction Phase

The goal of the Construction Phase is the development and test of a complete product - an operational version of the system - that can be deployed in the user community.

This is achieved by focusing on the objectives, deliverables, and completion milestones outlined in the table below.

All Artefacts / Deliverables will be completed before moving to the Elaboration phase, and to ensure this, all Artefacts / Deliverables will have a JIRA ticket opened and assigned by the Project Manager at the start of the phase. The phase will not be completed (and hence the next phase will not be started) until all artefacts are completed.


[1] Minimize development / test costs and achieve some degree of parallelism (optimize resource allocation ad schedule) - mitigate logistical risks

[2] Iteratively develop the complete product that is ready to transition to its user community (first operational beta version, unit-, system- and integration testing, prepare launch and training material if applicable)

Artefacts / Deliverables (owner)

[1] Build Product (complete) including Unit Tests and code reviews (Dev Lead)

[2] Tested Product - to a state that the software is ready to start final code-freeze test in Transition phase (Test Lead)

[3] Build infrastructure changes (if needed) according to Systems Specification (Infrastructure Lead)

[4] Project Status Reports including updated Risk Register (Project Manager)

[5] Business Deliverables like training material, on-line help / glossary updates, launch plan (Business Owner)

Completion Milestones

[1] Stable product ready to be deployed in user environment (as beta release - ready to start final code-freeze test)

[2] Stakeholders and supporting organization (CS, Tech Support) ready for transition

[3] Agreement that resource expenditures versus planned expenditures are still acceptable

Phase 4 - Transition Phase

The goal of the Transition Phase is to ensure that the system fully addresses the needs of its users, and to move the product to the production environment.

This is achieved by focusing on the objectives, deliverables, and completion milestones outlined in the table below.

All Artefacts / Deliverables will be completed before moving to the Elaboration phase, and to ensure this, all Artefacts / Deliverables will have a JIRA ticket opened and assigned by the Project Manager at the start of the phase. The phase will not be completed (and hence the next phase will not be started) until all artefacts are completed.


[1] Achieve stakeholder concurrence that the product is stable and complete and ready for deployment to the production environment

[2] Trained users and supporting departments, prepare for launch, announcements, etc

[3] Improve future project performance through lessons learned

Artefacts / Deliverables (owner)

[1] Test Completion Report (Test Lead)

[2] Deploy Plan (Dev Lead) and Deploy Test Plan (Test Lead)

[3] Project Acceptance Certificate (Project Manager)

[4] End Product (Project Manager)

[5] Business Deliverables (Business Owner)

[6] Post-Project Report - lessons learned (Project Manager)

Completion Milestones

[1] Satisfied Users and sign-off on acceptance of project

[2] Deployment of certified software to production environment according to the pre-defined deployment plan

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